2015 Acquisition — Westwoods North

We need your support today!

When we were working to preserve the Heart of Westwoods from 2012-2014, we indicated that that parcel was one of several privately owned Westwoods holdings which have been GLCT priorities for decades. We are very pleased to report that GLCT has secured a contract to buy another of these properties, 17.5 acres just north of our last Heart of Westwoods purchase. We’ve had the owners’ permission to maintain trails on this property for decades, so many of you have likely passed across this beautiful area on the White Circle or Red Triangle trails. It is quintessential Westwoods land, rugged, fascinating, and, with your help, protected.

Today we ask you to help us secure its permanent protection and to spread the word about this effort.

Unlike the last purchase, for which GLCT spread the payments out over 3 years, we must make the full $225,000 payment on or before March 27th. We need your generous support today.

GLCT has been able to protect 3,000 acres in Guilford – including more than 650 in Westwoods – because supporters like you value open space and generously respond to save critical parcels. Thank you for helping to protect this spectacular forest.

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